More Resources
Biological Diversity
- 2023 BMP Manual
- Lake States FECV Assessment (summary 2023)
- Appendix A - 2023 FECV Ad Hoc Committee Contact List
- Appendix D. MI G1G2 Species and Habitats 2023
- Appendix E. Lake States Overlapping G1G2 Species 2023
- /uploads/2024/02/24/appendix-f-lake-states-overlapping-g1g2-ecosystems-2023.pdf
Climate Smart Forestry
- Aireserv - Wildfire Preparedness Guide for Homeowners
- NFPA - Public Education Wildfire
- Michigan Fire Management
- Michigan 2021 Wildland Fire Report
- Michigan Tech University - College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- Michigan State University - College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
- U.S.F.S. Northern Research Station
Other Resources
- Adopt-a-Forest
- Alliance For Community Trees
- American Forest Foundation
- American Forest & Paper Association
- American Forests
- American Tree Farm System
- The Forestry Forum
- Forest Resources Association
- Michigan Arbor Day Alliance
- Michigan Association of Timbermen
- Michigan Forest Products Council
- Michigan Invasive Plant Council
- Michigan Master Logger Certification Program
- Michigan Society of American Foresters
- Michigan SFI
- Michigan Tree Farm Program
- Michigan United Conservation Clubs
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative
- Temperate Forest Foundation
- Timber Producers Association of Michigan and Wisconsin
- Center for Agricultural & Environmental Research & Training, Inc.
- Educational In Nature
- Forest Resources Environmental Education Network
- Forest Certification World Map
- Forestry Images
- Forestry for Kids
- Greening of Detroit
- Home Science: Backyard Conservation
- Kellogg Biological Station
- Kids Konnect
- Learning, Experiences, & Activities in Forestry
- Michigan Environmental Education
- Michigan Project Learning Tree
- Michigan Project Wild
- Michigan SFI Private Landowner Handbook
- Natural Inquirer
- Project Learning Tree
- Project Wild
- SEEK- Sharing Environmental Educational Knowledge
- Tree Identification Key for the Upper Peninsula
- Trees for Tomorrow
- Treeture Program
- USDA Forest Service for Kids (Southern Research Station)
- USDA for Kids
- Utah State University Forestry Extension
- Wheels to Woods
- Michigan Conservation Districts
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- NASA Visible Earth
- Plants Database
- S.K. Worm
- USDA Michigan Forest Profile
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- US Forest Service
- US Forest Service Forest Insect & Disease Leaflets
- US National Park Service
- Michigan Nursery Index
- Michigan State University Extension
- National Association of State Foresters
- Society of American Foresters
Logger + Trainee Database
The SFI training program was developed to satisfy the wood-procurement and harvesting requirements of the many SFI-certified wood purchasing companies in Michigan. SFE training consists of two components core training (CT) and continuing education training (CE). This database can be checked by foresters and procurement staff who work for SFI-certified companies.
Facts About Forestry
Is Michigan running out of trees or forest?
No. Forest area is increasing slightly and forest volume is growing substantially. Michigan has some of the least harvested forests in the United States; however, there may be some areas within the state that are experiencing forest loss. This is typically caused by urban expansion and the construction of second homes, resorts, golf courses, etc.