Chain of Custody Requirements
What the Chain-of-Custody Standard Does
The SFI 2022 Chain-of-Custody Standard is an accounting system that tracks forest fiber content through production and manufacturing to the end product. Companies can use Chain-of-Custody certification to track and communicate how much of their product comes from certified lands, certified fiber sourcing, recycled content and/or non-certified forest content.
What the Chain-of-Custody Standard Covers
The SFI 2022 Chain-of-Custody Standard applies to any organization that sources, processes, manufactures, handles, trades, converts, or prints forest-based products.
A wood producer delivering roundwood or field chips direct from the forest to a manufacturing facility does not need to be certified to the SFI 2022 Chain-of-Custody Standard.
An SFI-certified organization (such as a warehouse or distribution center) that passes on SFI certified material/product does not need an SFI Chain-of-Custody system provided the SFI certified material/product is in its original packaging and the material/product is identified with an SFI Chain-of-Custody on-product label.
Geographic Application of the Chain-of-Custody Standard
The SFI 2022 Chain-of-Custody Standard applies to any organization globally

Logger + Trainee Database
The SFI training program was developed to satisfy the wood-procurement and harvesting requirements of the many SFI-certified wood purchasing companies in Michigan. SFE training consists of two components core training (CT) and continuing education training (CE). This database can be checked by foresters and procurement staff who work for SFI-certified companies.

Facts About Forestry
How long do trees live?
Most trees don't survive their first year. However, trees can live as long as 4,000 years, but this is very rare. In Michigan, tree species longevity ranges from about 80 years to about 1,200 years (potentially). Northern white cedar is the longest living tree species in Michigan.