Sustainable Forestry FAQ
Sustainable Forestry Education's Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Michigan's SFI Trained Company Standard?
The SFE training program was developed to satisfy the wood-procurement and harvesting requirements of the many SFI-certified wood purchasing companies in Michigan. SFE training consists of core and continuing education (CE) training.
The most recent qualified logging professional standard can be found on this website under the education tab. In order to be considered a qualified logging professional crew, each logging crew MUST have at least one key field person (i.e., equipment operators, field supervisors) who have completed the SFE core training program AND has maintained their annual continuing education. The core consists of two days of training covering BMPs, MIOSHA awareness, threatened and endangered species, and a field course where many of the classroom subjects will be witnessed firsthand. An individual must complete all four of the core training sections in order to be qualified under the core program.
Continuing Education programs are offered by the SFE program, MAT, MATSIF, MI-WI TPA and other agencies and organizations with an interest and expertise in aspects of forest management.
How many CE credits is a class worth?
Credits are based on the length of class. Most MI-SFI IC sessions are worth either 4 or 8 credits. Approved outside agency/organizational CE sessions may be worth different amounts of CE credit. Consult course flyers and this website if in doubt about CE credit values.
Who keeps track of all this stuff and what does it cost?
MI-SFI IC administers and maintains a training database to track and verify each individual participating in the SFE program. There is currently no charge for taking MI-SFI IC sponsored training sessions.
Some training sessions are sponsored by other organizations. For these classes, the instructor must submit SFE Credit Request Form 4 weeks prior to the class for consideration, Instructors must use standard MI-SFI IC sign-in sheets, and no credit will be given to participants if they do not provide a valid Email. Additionally, some of these courses may charge a program fee.
What if a training session isn't advertised as carrying CE credit? Can I still get credit for taking the class?
It is possible to receive CE credit for a training session that is not advertised as carrying credits by contacting the MI-SFE Coordinator. All requests for granting CE credit are reviewed and decided upon by the SFE subcommittee at least 1 month Prior to the event date. It is important that you make requests one month PRIOR to the date of the training session, and that you get a copy of your sign-in sheets to the MI-SFI IC coordinator as proof of course completion. Only completed sign in sheets with valid emails for each participant will be entered in the database.
How can I check on my training status?
The database that is maintained by MI-SIC IC can be checked by auditors, employees who work for SFI-certified companies or by SFI administration
What are some of the currently approved Continuing Education classes?
Carbon Credits
Forest Health Update
Protecting Sensitive Sites and Native Vegetation
Pulpwood Timber Cruising
BMP, Threatened and Endangered Species, MIOSHA and Field Course Refreshers
Visual Quality Management
Climate adaptation and resilience
What Can I Do if I Witness Logging Practices that Do Not Appear to be Consistent With SFI Guidelines?
You can email the SFI "Inconsistent Practices Hotline" at or email Jesse Randall at RANDAL35@MSU.EDU to report harvesting practices that are inconsistent with the SFI program principals. You will be asked for some basic information about the harvesting taking place or concern. SFI program staff will determine if the harvest is being conducted by an SFI-trained QLP and if so, the complaint will be investigated by one of our district representatives until some resolution is reached.

Logger + Trainee Database
The SFI training program was developed to satisfy the wood-procurement and harvesting requirements of the many SFI-certified wood purchasing companies in Michigan. SFE training consists of two components core training (CT) and continuing education training (CE). This database can be checked by foresters and procurement staff who work for SFI-certified companies.

Facts About Forestry
How much economic activity do forest products produce?
Each year, the Michigan forest products industry harvests avout 12 million tons of wood. Each ton of wood generates about $100 worth of economic activity. That's a grand total of $1.2 billion worth of economic activity!