Qualified Logging Professional Status
In order to be certified as a Qualified Logging Professional (QLP), loggers must do the following:
Complete 16 credits of Core Training in ecology, silviculture, threatened and endangered species, OSHA safety standards, and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Maintain a continuing education commitment of 4 credits annually
The following statuses reflect your standing as a QLP and the amount of training still needed to become one, if necessary.
Green Button — an individual is up-to-date on all of their CORE and Continuing Education training for the current calendar year.
Yellow Button — an individual has completed their CORE Training but still needs to complete 4 – 7 hours of Continuing Education classes for the calendar year.
Red Button — an individual needs to complete 8 – 12 hours of Continuing Education classes for the calendar year.
Black Button — an individual has either never completed a CORE Training class and/or needs to complete more than 12 hours of Continuing Education classes for the calendar year.

Logger + Trainee Database
The SFI training program was developed to satisfy the wood-procurement and harvesting requirements of the many SFI-certified wood purchasing companies in Michigan. SFE training consists of two components core training (CT) and continuing education training (CE). This database can be checked by foresters and procurement staff who work for SFI-certified companies.

Facts About Forestry
How long do trees live?
Most trees don't survive their first year. However, trees can live as long as 4,000 years, but this is very rare. In Michigan, tree species longevity ranges from about 80 years to about 1,200 years (potentially). Northern white cedar is the longest living tree species in Michigan.